Friday, November 11, 2011

These newer end, more Softail frame work

This chopper is made the same way, just with some different specs from the ones I made previous.
I have coming up, a Softail that is hardtailed and a shovel that is Softailed. And my personal bike I am making a leafspring front end on it and changing the pipes on the frame to a special sort of alloy this I hope will lithen the frame 40-45% and still make it stronger then the original frame.  

More Softail frame work

 Where to cut and open welds.
 The frame is cut and centerd in the frame jig.
 My litle helper....... No need for inserts.
 The frame has been stretched and the welds are smoothed out.
 The frame needs to be heated and bent out when you stretch it.
 When I rake a neck on frames I always weld it completly through. The space is needed to fit welding rods and the TIG head. The amount of welding material is about 1,5kg for an neck and stretch jobb like this. 
 Starting to look like a frame again, here you can also follow the welding order.
 I rolled the pipe to get a small radius on it, looks better than a straight pipe.
 Here the frame mod is ready and leaving for my customer for first mokup.
And another chopper is born.

Softail frame work

 Here is a softail frame that I did for my friend, the frame was raked wery poorly. The cast part from the frame was desroed totaly by the person that raked the fram before me. So I only used the old "stem" pipe from the frame and made the res from pipes and SFS Fe 52 steel plates.
 My friend also wanted a bit of stretch to the frame, on this frame i made the stretch quite low to remowe all the fuckups that was made. 
 Here you can see how its coming together.
 The frame is ready and rock solid. Quite close to the original look.